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Sec. 19.732

Details of daily records

The daily records required by this part shall conform to the following requirements:

(a) Spirits shall be recorded by kind and by quantity in proof gallons, except as provided in Sec. 19.751.

(b) Denatured spirits shall be recorded by formula number and by quantity in wine gallons.

(c) Distilling materials produced on the premises shall be recorded by kind and by quantity in wine gallons. Chemical byproducts containing spirits, articles, spirits residues, and distilling materials received on the premises shall be recorded by kind, by percent of alcohol by volume, and by quantity in wine gallons. However, when nonliquid distilling materials which are not susceptible to such quantitative determination are received, the quantity of such materials may be determined by weight and shall be so recorded, and the alcohol content need not be recorded. When it can be shown that it is impractical to weigh or otherwise determine the exact quantity of such nonliquid materials, the proprietor may estimate the weight or volume of the material.

(d) Wines shall be recorded by kind, by quantity in wine gallons, and by percent of alcohol by volume.

(e) Alcoholic flavoring materials shall be recorded by kind, formula number (if any) and by quantity in proof gallons.

(f) Containers (other than those bearing lot identification numbers) or cases involved in each operation or transaction shall be recorded by type, serial number, and the number of containers (including identifying marks on bulk conveyances), or cases. However, spirits withdrawn in cases may be recorded without the serial numbers of the cases, unless the regional director (compliance) requires such recording. Package identification numbers, number of packages, and proof gallons per package shall be recorded on deposit record in the storage account reflecting production gauges or filling of packages from tanks, however, only the lot identification, number of packages, and proof gallons per package need be shown for transactions in packages of spirits unless package identification numbers are specifically required by this part.

(g) Materials intended for use in the production of spirits shall be recorded by kind and by quantity, recording liquids in gallons and other materials in pounds, and giving the sugar content for molasses.

(h) The name and address of the consignee or consignor, and if any, the plant number or industrial use permit number of such person, shall be recorded for each receipt or removal of materials, spirits, denatured spirits, articles, spirits residues, and wine.

(i) The serial number of the tank used shall be recorded for each operation or transaction.

(j) The rate of duty paid on imported spirits shall be shown on the transaction forms or records.

(k) Records shall identify imported spirits, spirits from Puerto Rico, and spirits from the Virgin Islands, or the records shall show that a distilled spirits product contains such spirits.

(l) Records shall identify spirits that are to be used exclusively for fuel use.

(Sec. 807, Pub. L. 96-39, 93 Stat. 284 (26 U.S.C. 5207))

This was last updated on September 17, 1999

Last reviewed: November 7, 2016
Last updated: April 26, 2024