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Proofing Tutorial

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Distilled Spirits Proofing Processes

Distilled spirits plant proprietors are required to determine taxes owed on spirits removed from their bonded premises. To do this, proprietors will need to "gauge" the spirits—that is, determine the quantity and proof of the spirits.

If you are a distilled spirits plant proprietor, it is important that you know how to proof your spirits correctly. We’ve listed below some resources to help guide you through the proofing process, including our TTB Proofing Video Series.

TTB Proofing Resources



Distilled Spirits Contacts 
TTB desires to maintain a high level of communication with industry members, trade associations, state governments, and other federal agencies. For information regarding alcohol fuel, nonbeverage products, industrial alcohol, specially denatured alcohol, and tax free fuel, please view the information on the Other Alcohol pages.

Spirits Permits, Distilled Spirits Plant (DSP) or Alcohol Fuel Plant (AFP) 
If you have questions regarding permits, applications, bonds, tax payments, etc., you may contact the National Revenue Center.

  • Online: Contact Us Form
  • Phone: 877-882-3277 (toll free)
  • Mail: TTB National Revenue Center
    550 Main Street, Room 8970 
    Cincinnati OH 45202

For more information on techniques used in determining proof, you may contact the Scientific Services Division online.

Labeling Contacts

  • Online: Contact Us Form
  • Phone:  866-927-2533 (option 4)
  • Mail:  Alcohol Labeling and Formulation Division 
    1310 G Street, NW, Box 12
    Washington, DC 20005

Last reviewed: October 10, 2014
Last updated: May 10, 2021
Maintained by: Scientific Services Division