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Tobacco – TTB Regulated Industry

Our regulations require that anyone who intends to manufacture, import, or export tobacco products obtain a permit from TTB. Therefore, the following tobacco-related businesses must file an application with and receive approval from TTB before engaging in business.

Getting Help

Need help getting started? Have questions about qualifying or about TTB’s approval process? See the information below.   

tob-reg-indQualify as an Industry Member
Learn the steps for qualifying as an industry member and how to apply for approval to operate an alcohol-related business.
tob-reg-indBusiness Central 
Resources for getting started and keeping you on course to a successful business venture.
tob-reg-indTTB Learning Center  
Get online training and assistance.



Questions?  If you have general questions regarding tobacco permits, applications, bonds, tax payments, etc., please contact the National Revenue Center at ttbtobacco@ttb.gov or at 877-882-3277 (Toll Free) or see more tobacco contacts.

Last reviewed: April 15, 2019
Last updated: July 2, 2021
Maintained by: Office of Communications