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myTTB Banking Now Available For CBMA Importer Claims

June 10, 2024│Office of Communications

myTTB has a new feature to make receiving your refund payments easier and more secure. myTTB Banking now allows you to securely store your banking information with TTB to receive refund payments. Available now to myTTB CBMA Importer Claims system users, the convenience of myTTB Banking will be available to other users in the future.

This new interface allows entity managers, or someone they designate, to securely store information related to one or more bank accounts for their entity. The stored accounts can be used for myTTB services that require banking information to receive payments. The details of stored accounts are masked from all entity users.

The following step-by-step instructions for myTTB Banking are available:

  • Managing Banking Access for Users in myTTB – includes instructions for adding a new user with banking access, adding banking access to an existing user, and removing banking access from a user.
  • Banking Information in myTTB – includes instructions for adding an initial bank account, deleting an existing bank account, editing a bank account nickname, and reviewing your address.
  • CBMA Banking Integration – includes instructions for selecting a bank account in the CBMA Importer Claims system.

Accounts can be nicknamed to allow users without banking authorization to select the correct account for use in the CBMA Importer Claims system.

CBMA Importer Claims system users will need to utilize the new myTTB Banking interface to direct a claim to a bank account starting June 25, 2024. The next CBMA claims period opens on July 1, 2024.


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Last updated: June 10, 2024