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Recent Changes to Pay.gov

Posted 5/4/2022 by the Office of External Affairs/Chief of Staff

We’ve made TTB forms easier to find and file on Pay.gov. Why? Because filing electronically remains the fastest and most accurate way to file operational reports and excise tax returns, and also provides a secure way to make excise tax payments.

How Will Changes Affect Me?

If you are a current Pay.gov user, your historic filings will be available for 18 months after submission under Submitted in the My Forms menu in your Pay.gov My Account profile.

To find the forms previously listed under Private (highlighted below), search using “TTB” in the Pay.gov search field or at the new public listing of TTB forms.

No Need for Preregistration

If you don’t have a Pay.gov account yet, you can self-enroll. We’ve eliminated the need for industry members to preregister with TTB in order to get a Pay.gov account and file electronically.

Industry members are still required to have Signing Authority (TTB Form 5100.1) or Power of Attorney (TTB Form 5000.8) on file with us to submit federal excise tax returns and/or reports of operations for their company, but the Pay.gov User Agreement (TTB Form 5000.31) is no longer necessary and has been removed from TTB.gov.

REMINDER: A payment through Pay.gov must be submitted the day before it's due because of ACH processing times. A payment made on Pay.gov on the due date will result in a late payment.


Visit our TTB in the News Archives for past stories.

Last updated: January 16, 2022
Maintained by: Office of communications