Certification and Analysis of United States Wine for Export to the European Community
To: Wine Exporters, Wine Industry Members, and Others Concerned
What is the purpose of this circular?
This circular informs United States exporters of wine to the European Community (EC) of the new simplified certification and analysis documentation that the EC requires to accompany each shipment of U.S. grape wine and sparkling grape wine. You may use the new certification and analysis document, instead of the VI-1 form, for wine exports to the EC after April 1, 2007.
This Industry Circular supersedes ATF Industry Circular 86–2.
On March 10, 2006, the United States and the EC signed the “Agreement between the United States and the European Community on Trade in Wine” (“the Agreement”) in which the EC, in part, agreed to permit grape wine originating in the U.S. to be imported into, marketed, and sold in the EC if accompanied by a certification document that is attached to Annex III of the Agreement (see Exhibit #1 of this circular). This certification form is less complex than the previous certificates required by the EC.
As of the date of this circular, the EC member countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia/Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
The Simplified EC Import Certificate Form.
Since the EC import certification form is not a TTB form, we recommend that you contact the European Commission (“the Commission”) if you have any questions about the form. You can find contact information for the Commission in the “Inquiries” section of this circular.
Please note: According to the Agreement, the information on the form, excluding the producer’s signature, may be pre-printed. Additionally, the EC has agreed to permit the form to be submitted electronically to the competent authorities of its Member states provided they have enabled the necessary technology.
The following instructions are intended to assist U.S. exporters in completing the EC import certificate form:
- Exporter: Enter your full name and address in the United States.
- Serial number: List a serial number that identifies the consignment in your records (for example, the invoice number).
- Importer: Enter the full name and address in the EC.
- Competent authority at place of dispatch: Enter the name and address of the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau’s local office that is responsible for verifying the information referred to in the certification document at the winery or place of production. A list of TTB field offices is attached to this circular as Exhibit #2. Please see the TTB Web site at https://www.ttb.gov/images/pdfs/tid_map_addresses.pdf for any updates or changes in these locations.
- Custom stamp: Leave this item blank; it is for EC use only.
- Date wine clears EC customs: Leave this item blank; it is for EC use only.
- Means of transport and transport details: Enter the details that specify the means of transport used for delivery to the EC port of entry:
- Specify mode of transport (ship, air, etc.);
- State the name and address of the person responsible for transport (if different from exporter); and
- State name of ship or number of flight, etc.
- Place of delivery: If the goods are not to be delivered to the address given for the consignee (under Box 3–Importer), state the actual place of delivery in the EC.
- Description of the product: State the following:
- Type of product (for example, “Imported wine”);
- Sale designation (for example, as appears on the label, such as the name of the producer and the viticultural area or the brand name; there may be other acceptable sales designation information.);
- Name of the country of origin (for example, “USA”);
- Name of the geographical designation, provided the wine qualifies for such a designation (for example, name of American viticultural area, State, or county);
- Actual alcohol strength by volume; and
- Color of the product (use “red,” “rosé,” “pink,” or “white” only).
- Quantity: State the type (bulk or bottle), volume, and quantity of the containers of the wine.
- Certificates: Provide your TTB winery permit number.
- Record of control for EC only. For use by competent authority: Leave this item blank; it is for EC use only.
- Signatory’s company, Federal permit number, and telephone number: State the name of the wine producer (person or company), Federal permit number, telephone number, and, where available, other contact details.
- Name of signatory: Enter the name of the person who signs the certificate, that is, the wine producer or other officer in the producing company who is authorized to sign the certificate.
- Place and date: Enter the place and date the document is signed.
- Signature: The person listed in box 14 should sign the form in ink.
Inquiries concerning this form or its paper or electronic filing should be addressed to the European Commission via e-mail at: AGRI-EC-US-WINETRADE@ec.europa.eu.
Should you encounter any difficulties, please contact the Director, International Affairs Division, Suite 400W, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, 1310 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20220. You may also contact the division by phone at 202-453-2260 or by e-mail at ITD@ttb.gov.

John J. Manfreda
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau |