Posted 07/19/2017
It just got easier to contact us with questions about permit applications, taxes, labeling, exporting/importing, or about any other topic at TTB. We now have a convenient online method for you to tell us exactly what you need so we can get your inquiry to the proper person and answer it quickly.
When you have a question for us, complete the "Contact Us" form on our site by using the drop down topics or add a quick note in the "comments" section and hit "submit." It's just that easy!
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is TTB doing this?
The answer is simple: because it's an easier way for you to send us information and we can more quickly get back to you. Additionally, we want to better protect your online privacy, as well as protect TTB systems by minimizing security risks associated with emails.
What happened to the email addresses on the site that I may have used to contact TTB?
The TTB email addresses on our website,, are being replaced with links to the Contact Us form. While browsing the site, you may run across links to contact us, submit an inquiry, or send comments. When you click on the link, you will be taken to the Contact Us form instead of popping open an email template.
Additionally, we are disabling the following National Revenue Center (NRC) email addresses. We suggest that you remove these NRC email addresses from your contacts or bookmarks.

When is the last day that I can use these NRC emails?
After July 21, 2017, we will disable the NRC emails listed above, and you will need to use the Contact Us form, or another TTB email address that is not on this list.
What will happen when I send an email to the disabled addresses after July 21?
You will receive an automatic "Undeliverable" response and we will direct you to submit your inquiry via the online Contact Us form.
How do I know if my online form was received?
After you send us a message using the Contact Us form, a confirmation page will display saying that we received your form. We will respond to your inquiry in the order it was received. To avoid duplication or further delay, please do not resend your inquiry. We're working on it!
What kind of information can I send via the online form?
Our main goal is to find out how best to contact you, and the nature of your inquiry. You may also include your permit/registry number, Employer Identification Number (EIN), or reference number (provided during previous telephone contact with our customer service desk).
You cannot send attachments or upload documents at this time.
What if I need to send an attachment?
At TTB, we use a secure file transfer interface to send documents that may contain sensitive or personal information between TTB employees and the public. This solution ensures we can attach multiple files and/or folders in one email for a combined total of 200 GB per account. We strongly recommend that you use this interface when sending sensitive or personal information (e.g., permit/registry number, Employer Identification Number (EIN)).
If you don't have an account yet, or need more information, see the Getting Started Quick Guide on
Remember, the email addresses listed in the chart above will no longer be available after July 21, 2017.
Can I still contact TTB by telephone or by postal mail?
Representatives are available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday (except for federal holidays) to answer your call. See the offices and contact information below for our most common topics, or see our Contact Us page for more information.
National Revenue Center (NRC)
For taxes, permit applications, and Permits Online inquiries, contact the NRC toll free at 877-882-3277 / 877-TTB-FAQS. After July 21, 2017, all other public numbers for the NRC will be decommissioned.
You can send paper forms (as instructed) or other correspondence to the NRC at:
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
National Revenue Center
550 Main Street
Room 8970
Cincinnati, OH 45202-3222
The following NRC telephone numbers will no longer be in service after July 21, 2017. We suggest that you update any online bookmarks and contacts to reflect this change. After July 21, you will need to use the main number listed above to reach someone at the NRC by phone.

Alcohol Labeling and Formulation Division (ALFD)
For advertising, labeling, formulation, and COLAs Online inquiries, contact ALFD customer service representatives at 202-453-2250 or toll free at 866-927-ALFD(2533).
You can send paper forms (as instructed) or other correspondence to ALFD at:
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Alcohol Labeling and Formulation Division
1310 G Street, NW, Box 12
Washington, DC 20005
Scientific Services Division (SSD) or TTB Laboratories
For inquiries relating to SSD, contact:
- Beverage Alcohol Laboratory at 202-508-0421
- Nonbeverage Alcohol Laboratory at 240-264-1599
- Compliance Laboratory at 513-684-3356*
- Tobacco Laboratory at 240-264-1597
*Someone is available at the Compliance Laboratory between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Pacific Time Monday through Friday (except for federal holidays).
You can send paper forms (as instructed) or other correspondence to the TTB Laboratories at:
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Director, Scientific Services Division
6000 Ammendale Road
Beltsville, Maryland 20705-1250
International Affairs Division (IAD)
For importing and exporting inquiries, contact IAD by telephone at 202-453-2260 or fax at 202-453-2970.
You can send paper forms (as instructed) or other correspondence to IAD at:
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
International Affairs Division
1310 G Street, NW, Box 12
Washington, DC 20005
What other assistance is available?
We encourage you to use our website and the search function to find exactly what you need online, or to read the latest TTB news and events. You can also browse our Frequently Asked Questions and Online Help Center. If you're new to check out the New Visitors Guide for a tour of the site and a list of some of the most common resources.
We also have resource pages with commodity specific information: