August 25, 2022 │Office of Communications

We’re taking your Formulas Online and COLAs Online account security to the next level with a new sign-in process. Starting September 22, 2022, Formulas Online and COLAs Online will require you to enter a one-time verification code—a code we send you every time that you sign-in to each system.
Adding One-time Verification Code to Sign-In Process
We are adding one of the most common types of system security to Formulas Online and COLAs Online: the one-time verification code. In other words, rather than simply asking for a username and password when you sign-in, you’ll be required to enter a second factor, the one-time verification code, to confirm your identity.
To learn more about the new sign-in process, see Formulas and COLAs Online: How to Use One-time Verification Code.
IMPORTANT: Please check the email address associated with your Formulas and COLAs Online accounts and make sure you have access to that email.
Why is TTB making this change?
As cyber threats become more and more difficult to thwart, multiple security layers are key to protecting online systems and applications.
Additionally, the President’s Executive Order (EO) 14028 on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity requires all federal government agencies to employ and fully adopt multi-factor authentication (MFA).
Requiring the one-time verification code (a type of MFA) as an additional sign-in measure for Formulas Online and COLAs Online meets that requirement and is a good practice for enhancing system security.
For technical help with Formulas Online and COLAs Online, see our TTB Online Help Center or contact the TTB Help Desk.
For formula and label approval-related questions, contact us using our Alcohol Labeling and Formulation Division Contact Form or call our ALFD Call Center at 202-453-2250.
Additional Information
Formulas Online and COLAS Online: How to Use One-time Verification Code
Formulas Online and COLAS Online: How to Identify Email Associated With Account
TTB Enhances Security of Permits Online with New Sign-in Process