Posted 05/29/2019

It is with the deepest sadness and regret that we inform you that our Administrator, John Manfreda, passed away on May 25, 2019.
Many of us knew and worked with John for most of our careers. He was a kind and honorable man, with a sincere belief in public service and, through his example, inspired us all to be better keepers of the public trust. In his nearly 50 years of government service, John left his mark on nearly all aspects of the federal laws and regulations related to alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. He played a key role in TTB’s founding and was devoted to our mission, serving as TTB’s first Deputy Administrator before being appointed Administrator in 2005. John previously served as Chief Counsel for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) from 1999-2003, prior to which he had a distinguished career in ATF Counsel and its Internal Revenue Service predecessor that spanned over 33 years.
Most importantly, though, John was a mentor and a friend. As a visionary who took lessons from the past, he steered us through difficult times and prepared us for the challenges and opportunities of the future. John’s passion for his work was evident to all who knew him, as was his unparalleled dedication to TTB’s workforce.
As we mourn John’s passing, we also rededicate ourselves to serving in his model, continuing to administer TTB’s vital mission for the public and the industries regulated by TTB. We appreciate your patience and support as we work through this difficult time.
John is survived by his wife, three children, and nine grandchildren.
You can find information on the funeral arrangements here.