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Beer Tax Information

For information purposes only - Actual tax or fee may vary according to a person's circumstances.


Determine and Pay Taxes on Beer 
Federal excise tax and fee rate information is for estimate purposes only. Actual tax or fee rates may vary according to a person's circumstances.

For imported products, these figures do not include import duties that U.S. Customs and Border Protection may impose.

If you owe interest on Federal excise tax, use the rates published by the Internal Revenue Service or you may file the return and we will assist you in computing any adjustments to the tax.

Quarterly Excise Tax Payment Procedure
If you are a small alcohol excise taxpayer who paid less than $50,000 in beer excise tax in the previous year, you MAY be eligible to file returns and pay excise taxes on a quarterly basis.

State Excise Tax Information
For State excise tax rates, please visit the Federation of Tax Administrators Web site. We cannot guarantee that this information is updated or accurate. Check with the appropriate State agency to make sure that you are calculating taxes correctly.


Last updated: April 1, 2024
Maintained by: Regulations and Rulings Division