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Methods Used to Validate Calorie, Fat, Carbohydrate, and Protein Content Statements on Alcohol Beverage Labels and Advertisements
TTB periodically reviews labeling and advertising claims by taking samples of alcohol beverage products for validation purposes. To validate these claims, we use the TTB methods referenced below, which are applicable to all alcohol beverages and based on AOAC methods. These methods of analysis meet the definitions referenced in Section III of TTB Procedure 2020-1. We consider your advertising and labeling claims acceptable if, when we evaluate your product using these methods, we find that they fall within the tolerance levels specified in Section V of this procedure.
Nutrient |
TTB Official Method |
Reference Methods* |
Alcohol |
SSD:TM:102 (distillation/densitometry) |
AOAC 982.10 (distilled liquors) AOAC 983.12 (liqueurs) |
Calories |
SSD:TM:408 (calculation) |
AOAC 971.10 (beer) AOAC 979.07 (wines) |
Carbohydrates |
SSD:TM:404 (by difference) |
AOAC 979.06 (beer) AOAC 985.10 (wines) |
Protein |
SSD:TM:515 (Kjeldahl) |
AOAC 920.53 (beer) |
*Access to AOAC methods is available from AOAC INTERNATIONAL. |
TTB Official Methods
Due to copyright restrictions, TTB is not able to provide any TTB Official Method based directly on AOAC Official Methods of Analysis or any other copyrighted source.
Questions should be sent to Submit Inquiry.