Posted 07/09/2021 by the Office of Communications

Are you interested in including a calorie count on your alcohol beverage label? Want to advertise that your product is low in carbs, or that it contains no sugar?
You may use truthful, accurate and specific calorie or carbohydrate statements on labels and in advertisements. However, we consider these declarations to be misleading (and thus prohibited) unless they include a statement that lists the number of calories and the number of grams of carbohydrates, protein, and fat contained in the product based on a single serving.
TTB guidance documents provide two different options: a “statement of average analysis” and a “Serving Facts statement.”
Some tips:
- If you want to say on your label or in your advertising that your product is low in carbohydrates, under TTB Ruling 2004-1, your product must contain no more than 7 grams of carbohydrates per serving. Also, as described in TTB Ruling 2013-2, the label or advertisement must contain either a statement of average analysis or a Serving Facts statement.
- TTB considers the use of terms such as “net carbohydrates” and “effective carbohydrates” on labels and in advertisements as misleading to consumers.
- If a serving of your alcohol beverage contains less than 0.5 grams of sugar, you may include a claim such as "Zero Sugar," "No Sugar," or "Sugar Free" on your label or in your advertisement. The label or advertisement must also include a statement of average analysis or a Serving Facts statement.
For more information, see our TTBGov - Alcohol Beverage Labeling: Statements Related to Calorie and Nutrient Content, Serving Facts, Alcohol Facts, and Sugar Content page, and explore the links on that page.