September 30, 2022 │Office of Industry and State Outreach

On September 22, we launched our online Boot Camp for Distillers webinar series with the first module, TTB Basics and Permits. If you weren’t able to join the webinar, don’t worry! The slides from the presentation are available on our Presentations page and the recorded webinar will be posted soon on our Training page.
The TTB Boot Camp for Distillers series is being presented in six modules:
Mod 1: TTB Basics & Permits – September 22
Mod 2: Records, Reports, & Returns – October 6
Mod 3: Formulas
Mod 4: Labeling
Mod 5: What to Expect in a Distilled Spirits Plant Product Integrity Investigation
Mod 6: What to Expect in an Audit
We’ll post the schedule for the remaining modules on our TTB Outreach page as they are confirmed.
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