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Chemist Certification Program

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myTTB Chemist Certification Service Coming Soon!

Coming soon, the myTTB Chemist Certification service will provide program participants a one-stop shop for managing their certification. Users will be able to submit applications and data results through a secure interface. Users will receive notifications to keep them updated throughout the process and will be able to view and download active certificates.

The service is expected to be available for use by Fall 2024 to chemist certification applicants.

Stay tuned to our Newsletter and Chemist Certification website for more information.

TTB offers the Chemist Certification Program as a service to the alcohol beverage industry to facilitate the export of beverage alcohol to foreign markets.

Chemists in the private industry are certified by TTB to analyze alcohol beverages for the analytes listed in TTB Procedure 2018-2.

Many countries that require testing as a condition of entry accept a report of analysis of alcohol beverages from a TTB-certified chemist.

How to Apply

Chemists applying for certification will need to:

Full details on application requirements can be found in TTB Procedure 2018-2 at question 9.  

  • The certification is free of charge
  • You may apply during the two annual application periods: Spring – March 1 to April 1 or Fall – September 1 to October 1.
  • Initial certification is valid for two years.  Re-certification is required at the expiration of the two-year period.

Current List of Certified Chemists and Qualified Laboratories

The lists of certified chemists are updated twice a year – after the spring and fall cycles.  The current lists by commodity are below.

CommodityCertified Chemists List
WineSpring 2024 Certified Wine Chemists
Distilled SpiritsSpring 2024 Certified Distilled Spirits Chemists
BeerSpring 2024 Certified Beer Chemists



Questions? If you have questions regarding TTB's Chemist Certification Program, contact the Scientific Services Division online or at 240-264-1671 or 240-264-1665.

Last updated: July 18, 2024
Maintained by: Scientific Services Division