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TTB NEWSLETTER | Weekly News |
June 25, 2021 |
IN THIS ISSUE Greetings! This week we’re highlighting the selection of Andrew Malone as Deputy Director of ALFD, the extension of our hand sanitizer guidance, the SOT due date for tobacco companies, some information collections that are open for comments, 2 firearms and ammunition conferences where we’ll present training, and 2 TTB job postings. ANDREW MALONE SELECTED AS NEW DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ALFDThe Alcohol Labeling and Formulation Division (ALFD) is pleased to announce that they have selected Andrew Malone as the new Deputy Director. Mr. Malone joined TTB in 2014 as the Public Guidance Program Manager, facilitating the clearance of public guidance and improving its readability. In 2017, he joined ALFD as the Assistant Director for the Wine Labeling Branch. During his time with ALFD, Mr. Malone has made major contributions towards simultaneously decreasing the time TTB takes to review wine label applications and reducing their error rate. EXTENSION OF HAND SANITIZER GUIDANCEDue to the continued consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the continuation of FDA’s related guidance, we are extending our hand sanitizer guidance through September 30, 2021 and redesignating it as TTB G 2020-1C. We will continue to monitor the circumstances to determine whether other extensions or modifications to this guidance are warranted in the future. We may modify or discontinue this guidance prior to September 30, 2021 if FDA discontinues its guidance prior to that date. TOBACCO INDUSTRY: TIME TO PAY SPECIAL OCCUPATIONAL TAXThe due date for manufacturers of tobacco products, manufacturers of cigarette papers and tubes, and proprietors of tobacco export warehouses to pay special occupational tax (SOT) is July 1st. You can avoid mailing paper forms and checks by using Permits Online.
Read more about SOT and how to file online. OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ON TTB INFORMATION COLLECTIONSOn Tuesday, June 15, we published a notice requesting public comments on 11 existing TTB information collections (forms, recordkeeping and labeling requirements, and surveys). Among these 11 collections are:
To comment electronically, use the Regulations.gov comment form for the notice. To view any comments received in response to the notice, see Regulations.gov Docket No. TTB-2021-0003. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, TTB periodically solicits public comments on the need for our information collections, the accuracy of our burden estimates (time, effort, and cost), and on ways to minimize burden on the public. NEW OUTREACH EVENTS ADDED – FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION EXCISE TAXESWe’ve added two new events where we’ll present training on firearms and ammunition excise taxes: Firearms and Ammunition: Addressing the Import and Export Challenges through Compliance Virtual event co-sponsored by F.A.I.R. Trade Group and Society for International Affairs 2021 Annual Import/Export Conference In-person conference in Washington, D.C., sponsored by National Shooting Sports Foundation August 3-5, 2021 Interested in receiving TTB training? You can find out where we will be and what training we’ll be providing by checking our TTB Outreach page. TTB CAREER OPPORTUNITIESTTB consistently ranks near the very top of the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government. If you are interested in joining Team TTB, check out these job postings!
![]() WHEN DISASTER STRIKESTTB recognizes that the devastation caused by natural disasters may severely impact the operations of some industry members and taxpayers. If your business was affected by a natural disaster and you have questions about TTB alcohol or tobacco matters, please contact us at 877-882-3277 (toll free), or use the National Revenue Center contact form and select “disaster relief question.” For additional information, see Disaster Relief. WHAT'S POPULAR ON TTB.govTop Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax (FAET) pages, June 14-20, 2021
Learn more about the TTB Tip Line. ABOUT THE NEWSLETTERThe TTB Newsletter compiles the top TTB news of the week and other helpful information for the alcohol and tobacco industries we regulate. Please send any questions or comments about the TTB Newsletter to the Office of Industry and State Outreach. Brought to you by TTB.gov. |
Please visit the homepage of TTB.gov for the most recent news, or visit the Contact Us page if you have any questions. |
TTB Newsletter June 25, 2021
Last updated: May 2, 2024