This page contains a list of Industry Circulars related to other alcohol issued by TTB, ATF, and their predecessor agencies, addressed to members of the alcohol beverage industries, since the first Industry Circular was issued in 1954. Please note that information in Industry Circulars may have been modified, superseded, or made obsolete by changes in Federal law or our regulations.
Note for visually impaired users: Currently, the documents in the Industry Circular Archive are not machine-readable. If you require assistance to read an Industry Circular, please contact the Regulations and Rulings Division at 202-453-2265 to obtain a copy in a format to accommodate your needs.
- 2004-5 - Voluntary Disclosure Program
- 2004-4 - Guidelines for Submitting Operational Reports
- 2004-2 - Using Pay.gov To Submit Alcohol and Tobacco Excise Tax Returns, Tax Payments, and Operational Reports
- 2003-1 - Establishment of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
- 2002-3 Elimination of Bond Requirement for Users and Dealers of Specially Denatured Spirits
- 2001-2 Elimination of the Bond Requirement for Tax-Free Alcohol Users
- 1993- 1 Transfer of Tax-free Registration
- 1989-3 Formulas for Wine, Distilled Spirits, and Flavors Used in Alcohol Beverages
- 1987-3 Change in Place of Filing Alcohol, Tobacco, and Certain Firearms Tax Returns, Claims and Related Documents
- 1984-1 Late Filed Excise Tax Returns
- 1979-5 Recordkeeping Requirements for Nonbeverage Domestic Drawback Claimants
- 1973-6 Withdrawal of Permission to Use Color Additive — F. D. & C. Violet No. 1
- 1972-8 - Revocation of Authorized Use of Glycine
- 1972-18 - Submission of Evidence of Exportation
- 1970-12 Use of Brominated Vegetable Oils
- 1970-18 Establishment of Standard Export Drawback Rates
- 1970-25 Establishment of Standard Export Drawback Rates
- 1965-4 Withdrawal Of Permission To Use Color Additive — FD&C Red No. 4
- 1965-8 Use of Color Additive — FD&C Red No. 4
- 1962-33 Need for Review of Approved Formulas Covering Distilled Spirits Products
- 1961-2 Use of Safrole, Oil of Sassafras, Dihydrosafrole, and Iso-safrole
- 1956-31 Transportation of Alcohol, Denatured Alcohol, Denatured Rum, Proprietary Solvents, Lacquer Thinners, Distilled Spirits, Wine, and Beer by Combination Truck-Rail Transfer