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Form 5154.1 Resources

TTB Form 5154.1 Resources

Many resources are available to assist you in filling out TTB Form 5154.1 correctly.

Drawback Tutorial

The Drawback Tutorial is a guide that covers an array of issues that should help you better understand the requirements for approval of a nonbeverage product formula as well as example calculations.

Calculation Worksheets

Calculation worksheets are available for download in Microsoft Excel format. The available worksheets include:

  • Item 9 and 10 calculations for simple mixtures, filtrations, extracts, and dietary supplements.
  • Calculations based on the "What Makes a Product Unfit?" guidelines.






Questions? If you have questions regarding TTB's Nonbeverage Products Laboratory (NPL) contact the Scientific Services Division online or at 240-264-1599. If you're having technical issues with our online applications contact the TTB Help Desk or see the TTB Online Help Center.


Last updated: January 3, 2023
Maintained by: Scientific Services Division