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Obtaining Samples of Specially Denatured Spirits


Obtaining Samples of Specially Denatured Spirits

Persons who have applied for or are considering applying for a permit to use specially denatured spirits (SDS) may obtain samples of SDS for experimental purposes or for preparing samples of finished articles as required by 27 CFR §20.92.

  • Samples of SDS may only be obtained from distilled spirits plants or dealers.
  • Samples not larger than five gallons per calendar year may be obtained without a permit.
  • When the SDS is obtained from a dealer, the dealer shall maintain records to ensure that samples of SDS dispensed to nonpermittees do not exceed five gallons per calendar year.
  • Samples larger than five gallons per calendar year may be obtained without a permit by following the procedure outlined in 27 CFR §20.252.
  • Samples of SDS shall not be used to manufacture articles for commercial sale.



Last updated: January 14, 2019