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Specially Denatured Spirits/Completely Denatured Alcohol (SDS/CDA) Tutorial

Specially Denatured Spirits/Completely Denatured Alcohol (SDS/CDA) Tutorial

The regulations for specially denatured spirits (SDS) (including specially denatured alcohol (SDA)) and completely denatured alcohol (CDA) have been revised and went into effect on October 31, 2016. This tutorial is designed to assist industry members in understanding TTB's requirements relating to the use of SDS and CDA. The SDS/CDA tutorial is topic-based with similar topics grouped under a general heading. In addition, the tutorial includes instructions for correctly completing TTB Form 5150.19, Formula and/or Process for Articles Made with Specially Denatured Alcohol. However, the most efficient way to submit a formula is electronically using Formulas Online. For information on how to register and submit formulas electronically, please refer to the SDA Formulas Online webinar presentations.

As issues evolve and as time allows, the Nonbeverage Alcohol and Tobacco Branch (NATB) will expand the topics and the types of sample formulas. Please sign up to be notified of tutorial updates at Get Email Updates

You can make suggestions for topics and formulas by contacting the NATB at SSD Contact Form. However, please do not send formula status requests to this address.

The guidance provided in this tutorial is based on the terms of TTB statutes and regulations governing the use of SDS and CDA.  Nothing in this tutorial should be construed to replace any provision of TTB statutes and regulations governing the use of SDS and CDA.  In the case of any conflict between any statement contained in this tutorial and a TTB statute or regulation, the terms of the regulatory or statutory text will prevail.



Last updated: May 2, 2024
Maintained by: Scientific Services Division